Excel Rosario
Mike Hays
Michael J Favaretto
Matthew Kadey
Chris Smits
J.C. Wong

Chris Smits
The Sports Clubs Of Canada

March 15, 2003

Dear Kwon,

It is with great pleasure that I express my positive training experience with you. As you know, I am a certified trainer and have competed as an athlete all my life, most notably as a Canadian Speed Skater and a University Football Player.

If you remember, my first personal training encounter with you was at the Sports Clubs of Canada when you approached me after I had just completed a set of squats. You spent some time with me and shared some of your expertise. I listened and then practiced your technique over a period of 5 months. Your advice enabled me to lift 45- 50% more weight! I also completed the reps with a 35% increase toward a fuller range of motion. Today when we train, I squat at 500 pounds in comfort, confidence and with stability. Absolutely incredible!

For a seasoned athlete like myself to safely improve my performance so dramatically is a testament to your expertise and knowledge in sports science.

Thank You, Kwon, for your sharing your passion and generosity.

Chris Smits
National Strength and Conditioning Association - Certified Personal Trainer
A.A.H.F.R.P. - Post Rehab Exercise Specialist
OASIS - Certified Fitness Consultant



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