Excel Rosario
Mike Hays
Michael J Favaretto
Matthew Kadey
Chris Smits
J.C. Wong

Mike Hays
The Sports Clubs Of Canada The Bloor Park Club, Sports Clubs of Canada, BTF Canada
8 Park Road Toronto, ON
M4W 3G8
Tel: (416) 922-1262
April 7, 2003

Dear Kwon:

Since your employment with us at The Bloor Park Club in October 2002, you have proven to be a true professional. You have quickly become a top performer, not only in our club, but in all 10 clubs of the Sports Clubs of Canada. It is your strong work ethics and your passion for the industry that has provided you with a strong following of clients and has earned you admiration from management, staff and members alike. You are generous in sharing your knowledge and skills not only with your clients but also with fellow trainers through our in-house seminars. Your contributions to our club are recognized by many of our members.

You value the importance of continued education and are constantly seeking new ways of sharpening your skills. It is your professionalism and genuine commitment to your clients that drives you to stay on top of the fitness industry.

Kwon, you are certainly a tremendous asset to our club. Your hard work and dedication enables me to foresee great accomplishments within the fitness industry.

Kwon, you are a fine individual who is dedicated to what you do. Your hard work is to be commended. If there is anything that I can provide on your behalf, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Mike Hays

Bachelor of Arts Degree - Physical Education
Certified Canadian Athletic Therapist
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, NSCA
Personal Training Director - Bloor Park Club



©2003 Kwon's Fitness. All rights reserved.