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Barbara Ritcher

April 4, 2003

TO: Kwon Oh-Young

Dear Kwon,

In the fall of 2002, I decided it was time to get healthy and fit - again. It wasn't the first time I started down the fitness trail. I had tried for decades to get into a regular fitness routine and met with varying degrees of success. Most lasted a few months before I abandoned them.

Middle age injects a variety of new motives into the mix of reasons to establish a fitness regime. Movement doesn't come as easily or as gracefully as it did when you were in your 30's. Energy levels drop and blood pressure ramps upwards - for me it hovered around 130/90, not bad but definitely room for improvement. So I decided to meet my golden years with renewed enthusiasm for enjoying them as long as possible and in the best shape I could muster.

To make this venture different from the others I decided to invest in some personal training. I was so glad I was linked up with you, Kwon, because your help has made all the difference. You have the ability to push me beyond what I think are my limits but still stay in a safe zone. I learned how to use equipment and weights properly to maximize the effects rather than go through the motions. You also helped me master equipment that I always avoided because it just looked too hard. You have an enthusiasm for your work that is quite infectious and you can make an exhausting workout interesting and even enjoyable. You vary the program so exercise is never boring, always a challenge, and still totally doable.

Six months after starting a program with you, I can feel the difference. I move with more of a spring in my step; I can climb stairs and still have breath at the top of the flight; and, best of all, my blood pressure is down to 110/80 - the lowest it's been in a couple of decades.

With your help I now have enjoyable routines that I can stay with and even have fun doing.

Thanks for all of your effort on my behalf.

Barbara Richter



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