Diabetes Mellitus
  Nicholas Pinney
  Lynda Palazzi
Blood Lipid Disorder
  Don MacNair
  Barbara Richter
  Paul Valle
  Calvin Jen
  Mike O'Neill
  Steven Heipel
General Fitness
  Alison Macleod
  Charles Hayter
  Dennis Healey


Exercise Guidelines

* Obtain physician clearance before beginning an exercise program.

* Perform regular flexibility exercises to improve range of motion.

* Perform regular endurance exercises to increase muscular endurance. Walking may be most beneficial as it provides some impact for bone health.

* Resistance training should be performed regularly to help prevent further bone loss. This should be started at a low intensity.

* Exercises promoting balance should be performed regularly to decrease chances of falls. Trunk strength should be improved.

Nutrition Guidelines

* Vitamins and minerals needed for bone health (e.g. calcium, magnesium, phosphorus) should be consumed in adequate amounts (e.g. 1500mg per day of calcium). Thus, it is important to have a diet with lots of variety to ensure adequate intakes of all necessary nutrients.

* A heart healthy diet should be consumed on a daily basis that emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and low-fat dairy products.

* A high-protein diet is discouraged as this can lead to the depletion of calcium from the bone.

* Consult with your physician and/or dietitian to determine the need for supplementation.



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