Diabetes Mellitus
  Nicholas Pinney
  Lynda Palazzi
Blood Lipid Disorder
  Don MacNair
  Barbara Richter
  Paul Valle
  Calvin Jen
  Mike O'Neill
  Steven Heipel
General Fitness
  Alison Macleod
  Charles Hayter
  Dennis Healey


* Obtain physician clearance before commencing exercise for specific guidelines and potential contradictions.

* Exercise can increase joint function and range of motion.

* The type of arthritis may alter exercise requirements.

* Muscle strength and endurance should be increased to enhance joint stability.

* Aerobic conditioning should be enhanced to improve psychological well-being and decrease risk of disease.

* Be extremely careful not to harm inflamed or unstable joints.

* During periods of heavy flair-up it may be a good idea to avoid strenuous exercise.

Dietary Guidelines

* Arthritis patients should follow a heart healthy diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products and lean proteins. The diet should be limited in processed foods, foods with a lot of added sugar and foods high in saturated and hydrogenated fats.

* There is existing research that a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids that are found in fatty fish (e.g. salmon), flaxseed and almonds can help reduce the inflammation associated with arthritis, especially that of the rheumatoid type.

* The diet needs to be tailored to the presence of any other conditions such as heart disease or diabetes.




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