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Steven Heipel

To Kwon

After a couple of decades of long distance running I made the decision to formally run a marathon. At the age of 40, I finished that first 26 miler with a respectable time of 3:15, qualifying for the Boston Marathon. I never got to compete in Boston, however.

A series of injuries - both from high mileage running and "accidents" - forced me to temporarily abandon my serious approach to jogging. While I have always recognized the importance of strength work in maintaining an overall level of fitness, it wasn't until I wasn't able to run that I increasingly turned to the gym to stay fit, help recover from injuries and prevent future problems, and to gain strength for impending surgery.

When I explained my situation to the head of training services at my gym, I was immediately referred to you. I was told that you had a particular focus on helping those who wanted to find a way to stay in shape, despite limitations imposed by injuries.

A single word encompasses the multi-faceted approach that you take towards fitness - holistic. Kwon, you care about ensuring total fitness and health. You take into account the many and inter-linked facets involved. I hesitate to describe you as simply a personal trainer. You provide so much more than just excellent guidance on weight training.

From the beginning, you have: helped me define my goals; encouraged and offered positive strategies for improving my posture and flexibility, and bettering my core strength; discussed my eating habits and the important link between proper nutrition and good physical fitness; provided expert, hands-on therapeutic touch for my aches and pains; kept my workout routine flexible to avoid stagnation; and been a good-natured, positive, and motivation force as I worked toward getting stronger and fitter. Yes, like most good coaches, you concern yourself with setting achievable goals for your clients, but it is ultimately a focus on how a person achieves their fitness objectives that proves your greatest strength, and sets you above most others.

What I have found particularly unique about you is your belief that proper training form is the key to fitness success. Everything else - nutrition, remaining injury free, flexibility, looking great - it all hinges on doing things right. It didn't take long to make a believer out of me. Kwon, you have demonstrated on numerous occasions that a lighter weight moved with proper form and concentration brings measurable results faster, than a heavier weight lifted improperly or carelessly. If fact, Kwon, you have reduced the amount of weight I've been lifting on certain exercises and despite my initial doubts, I have gotten stronger.

Kwon, thank you for the results!

Steven Heipel
Corporate Communications Manager



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