Diabetes Mellitus
  Nicholas Pinney
  Lynda Palazzi
Blood Lipid Disorder
  Don MacNair
  Barbara Richter
  Paul Valle
  Calvin Jen
  Mike O'Neill
  Steven Heipel
General Fitness
  Alison Macleod
  Charles Hayter
  Dennis Healey

Nicholas Pinney

March 31.2003


I write this letter to convey my deepest personal thanks to you.
I feel privileged that I discovered you at a very important time in my life.
I was looking for a Personal Trainer with a difference. I watched you train your clients at the Gym and I was very impressed with your knowledge, enthusiasm and attention that you offered them. I knew then that you were the perfect Trainer for me.

As you know in March 2002. I was diagnosed with Onset Diabetes. This was basically due to poor diet and a lack of activity. I had become overweight and lacked motivation. I have now been training
with you since June of 2002. With our partnership, regular check up's with my family physician and your dedicated attention I am now very happy to say that my Diabetes is under control and that my blood sugar levels are back to the normal range.
You guided me with diet and a workout regime that has been a huge benefit to me.
Not only for the Diabetes but from a general health point of view.
Kwon, you also improved my flexibility and worked on my shoulder injury that I had suffered several years previously. Your on the spot massages and pressure point sessions really helped me with pain related issues during training and injury recovery.

I now weigh 166 Lbs. from 201 Lbs. when I was first diagnosed a year ago.
At 59 years old I am now in better shape than I ever remember. I feel great and I have a new energy level, higher self esteem and a much more healthy body.
Thank you for your guidance, patience and continued support. I know I could not have made these remarkable changes in my life without you.
I feel great and I am very grateful. It's been a terrific experience.

Thank you again,
Most sincerely

Nicholas Pinney

Bells & Whistles Designs
Event Planning and Design



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