Diabetes Mellitus
  Nicholas Pinney
  Lynda Palazzi
Blood Lipid Disorder
  Don MacNair
  Barbara Richter
  Paul Valle
  Calvin Jen
  Mike O'Neill
  Steven Heipel
General Fitness
  Alison Macleod
  Charles Hayter
  Dennis Healey

Lynda Palazzi

April 2, 2003
Kwon Oh Young
Bloor Park Club
80 Bloor Street East Toronto ON M4W 3G8

Dear Kwon,

I want to express my appreciation to you for the transformation in my energy levels, in my fitness and in my overall attitude.

As you know, I had a near fatal accident six years ago and as a result I have had extensive reconstructive surgery. In January 2002, I had a shoulder implant and continued to receive therapy at the hospital twice a week. However, the ongoing pain and levels of disability have been debilitating and exhausting.

When the new Bloor Club opened, I felt this was an opportunity to see if I could improve both my physical strength and ability to deal with the pain. When I first met with you in November 2002, I was hopeful that you would help me to make progress. My physical therapist from the Orthopedic and Arthritic Hospital met with you to ensure you understood my challenges and you designed a program for me. Although I still experience significant pain, my ability in dealing with the pain is better. I am far more energetic, productive and feel more optimistic about the future. I am quite frankly surprised at my progress to date, the weights I can lift, and most importantly the pride and satisfaction that I have achieved in working with you. You have patience and yet you are firm. I feel I can trust you and that you understand exactly how far you can push me within the ranges of safety.

You have encouraged me to focus and to develop routines that I hope will persevere. The training that I have done twice a week with you since January has resulted in the loss of six pounds but more importantly a number of inches particularly around the abdomen. You have also helped me address a painful right knee. The leg presses and strengthening that we have done has now enabled me to be able to walk for at least a mile. Previous to this, I was hardly able to do a block.

In summary, you have made a major difference in my health, my fitness and my overall attitude. I look forward to continuing our training and to achieve new levels with your support and guidance. You are a gifted teacher, an excellent coach, and you understand how to deal with severe sport injuries. This is no small accomplishment. I feel very fortunate that you are a partner in my recovery.

With many thanks, I remain,

Lynda Palazzi
Membership Services Co-ordinator
LP / mmc-ms-admin



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