Diabetes Mellitus
  Nicholas Pinney
  Lynda Palazzi
Blood Lipid Disorder
  Don MacNair
  Barbara Richter
  Paul Valle
  Calvin Jen
  Mike O'Neill
  Steven Heipel
General Fitness
  Alison Macleod
  Charles Hayter
  Dennis Healey

Don MacNair

To Kwon

Too often we do not take the time to thank those people who make the biggest changes in our lives. This letter is to express my grateful thanks Kwon for a job well done.

Since I first joined a gym three years ago I have had several personal trainers that I thought did well for me. However it was not until I started working with you as my personal trainer in October of last year that I realized what it was I was missing in training program. Your selection of a work out program brought my blood pressure down from 160/85 to 135/75. Your diet and nutrition programs made my cholesterol dropped from 5 to 3. My heart rate also stabilized due to the strict cardiovascular program you set out for me. Now when I visit my physician for a check up all he says is "Don't stop doing what you are doing".

On top of that, your stretching technique, massage and pressure point sessions have cured a very painful neck problem (the result of poor posture) which I have had for over two years. I would have had wait a year before a therapist at Toronto east General Hospital Could even look at me. You have also helped cure a painful problem I had with my upper arm with the same techniques.

Kwon you are so dedicated to the well-being of your clients that I look forward to our sessions. You trained me how to stretch properly, how to breathe effectively during weightlifting, and you also explained to me the importance of the proper setting and position on the equipment. Most of all you taught me how to focus on what I was doing, something I have never able to do very well in the past. As I approach my sixty-five birthday, I feel much younger, and have a higher energy level than I have had in the last fifteen years. You have made me feel very good about myself.

Your continued guidance and support is something I have to look forward to in the future. You are an expert in your field and I want to say thank you for helping me achieve for myself something that I did think was possible.

With Best Regards,
Don MacNiar


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