Diabetes Mellitus
  Nicholas Pinney
  Lynda Palazzi
Blood Lipid Disorder
  Don MacNair
  Barbara Richter
  Paul Valle
  Calvin Jen
  Mike O'Neill
  Steven Heipel
General Fitness
  Alison Macleod
  Charles Hayter
  Dennis Healey

Mike O'Neill

April 5, 2003

To: Kwon,

I wanted to thank you for helping me achieve the goals that I've set for myself.

I am a competitive dragon boat athlete, and aim to qualify at the World Cup Crew Championship in 2004 with my team, the RBC dragons.

I was very specific in my objectives, which were to improve my technique in dead lifting and cleaning to ultimately, become stronger.Since working with you in February 2003, I have not only become stronger (bench pressing 240 lbs to 255 lbs, then, to 265 lbs, and just last week, I bench pressed, 275 lbs!), I have also benefited from the lifting techniques you have suggested. I am confident I will pass the maximum lifting test for the bench press, an integral component to qualify.

When we started to work together, you very quickly diagnosed that I was not contracting all of the required muscles simultaneously. You also showed me that I was tensing some muscles too soon, and limiting their ability to contract. Without your help, my performance would have remained less than optimal. Two specific examples: I was not using my gluts and legs together when squatting and I was relying on my triceps when benching, rather than using my triceps and pectorals together. These are issues that I would not have identified or remedied on my own.

Before working with you, I never thought that I needed a personal trainer. In a very short time, I have seen great results, even for an athletic person, such as myself. Now, after great improvement, I am reluctant to give you up.

You also gave great guidelines on eating to increase and maintain energy, and strengthen muscles. My body benefits from your well-rounded eating suggests, like including fiber and eating proteins and fats in proper proportions. I no longer eat concentrated/instant carbs, which only causes my energy level to crash.

You have great knowledge of exercise physiology and a great ability to transfer that knowledge to clients like me. Thank you. See next Wednesday at 9pm!

Mike O'Neill
First Contact Ontario (1999) Inc.
31 Rose Avenue, Unit 2
Toronto ON M4X 1N7



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