Diabetes Mellitus
  Nicholas Pinney
  Lynda Palazzi
Blood Lipid Disorder
  Don MacNair
  Barbara Richter
  Paul Valle
  Calvin Jen
  Mike O'Neill
  Steven Heipel
General Fitness
  Alison Macleod
  Charles Hayter
  Dennis Healey


Recommended postures to prevent low back pain

1. Avoiding sitting for long periods
2. Do not sit leaning forward on a chair with an arched back.
3. Individuals should sit on a firm, straight-backed chair.
4. Lower back should be slightly rounded or positioned firmly against the back of the chair.
5. Feet should be flat on the floor with knees above the level of the hips.
6. When sitting legs should remain bent at 90 degrees.

1. When standing for long periods, shift position from one foot to another or place one foot on a stool.
2. Stand tall, flatten lower back, and relax the knees.
3. Back should not be arched.

Lifting and carrying
1. When picking up objects, knees should be bent. To pick up an object, face it squarely, tuck in the buttocks and tighten abdomen.
2. To carry an object, hold object close to body. It should be held at waist level. Objects should not be carried on one side of the body. If it must be carried unbalanced, the object should be moved periodically from one side to the other.

1. Do not stay in one position too long.
2. The bed should be flat and firm yet comfortable.
3. Do not sleep on the abdomen.
4. Do not sleep on the back with legs fully extended.
5. If sleeping on the back, a pillow should be placed under the knees.
6. Ideally, sleep on the side with the knees drawn up.
7. Arms should never be extended overhead.
8. The least strain on the back is in the fully recumbent position with the hips and knees at angles of 90 degrees. In the case of a chronic or a sub-acute lower back condition, a ¾-inch plywood board underneath the mattress gives a firm, stable surface for the injured back. Sleeping on a water bed will often relive low back pain. A water bed supports the body by allowing it to curve equally and decrease abnormal pressures to any one body area.




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